@article{ronca_development_2023, title = {Development of a highly concentrated collagen ink for the creation of a 3D printed meniscus}, volume = {9}, issn = {24058440}, url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S240584402310315X}, doi = {10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e23107}, pages = {e23107}, number = {12}, journaltitle = {Heliyon}, shortjournal = {Heliyon}, author = {Ronca, Alfredo and D'Amora, Ugo and Capuana, Elisa and Zihlmann, Carla and Stiefel, Niklaus and Pattappa, Girish and Schewior, Ruth and Docheva, Denitsa and Angele, Peter and Ambrosio, Luigi}, urldate = {2024-01-18}, date = {2023-12}, langid = {english}, }